Friday, March 29 | 7pm | Hazel Dell Campus
Talking with your KIDS about the service
It can be difficult to explain to your child that even though Jesus never disobeyed His parents and never did anything wrong, He was beaten, spat upon, and then hung on a cross. Christ's obedience to His Father and His love for us is what led Him to the cross. The beauty of Easter is foreshadowed by the darkness of Good Friday. Take every opportunity to share the hope of Jesus' miraculous life as well as the love and obedience He showed on the cross to your kids. Below are a few questions to help you share the beauty of Easter with your kids.
Questions for kids in elementary and younger:
• Why did Jesus have to die?
Jesus came to earth knowing that He would one day die. He died because people needed a Savior.
• Did God want Jesus to be killed?
No. God created people to be perfect, but then people did bad things (sin). But because God's love for us is great, He sent Jesus to take our place and die for our sins.
• Did it hurt Jesus when people were mean to Him?
Yes. Jesus had feelings. He felt pain and sadness when He was on the cross.
• Why couldn't somebody else die on the cross?
Jesus is the only One who could die on the cross and be the Savior because He never sinned.
• Have you asked Jesus into your heart, accepting this gift of salvation?
Parents, share how you came to be a Christian with your child and pray with them.
Talking with your TEENS about the service
Talking to your teens about most things can be awkward, much less talking to them about faith. However, as parents, we are and need to be the number one influence in our teens’ lives, even above their friends and popular media. Please spend some time talking about the Good Friday service, your own relationship with Christ, and what Easter really means with your teen. In His love for us, God sent His perfect Son to the cross to take our sin and shame so we might have eternal life with Him.
Questions for junior high and high school students:
• With all the power that Christ had, why didn’t He call the angels to save him?
He knew mankind needed Him to pay the price for our sin and through His love, He paid that price. (Romans 6:23)
• What would your life be like if Christ hadn’t chosen to die for our sins?
There would be no hope in our lives or forgiveness of our sins. (1 Peter 1:3)
• What did Jesus mean when He said, “It is finished?”
He had paid the price for our sin, and now salvation is available to all people who choose to repent and follow Christ. (John 19:29-30)
• Have you asked Jesus into your heart, accepting this gift of salvation?
Parents, share how you came to be a Christian with your teen and pray with them.
• Who are some family/friends who haven’t accepted Christ that we could reach out to?
Make a list of who they are and set a time/date to share your salvation story with them. (Mark 16:15)