Serving Opportunities

Below is a listing of some areas you can use your gifts and talents to serve within our church and community. Explore the opportunites and click the "Apply to Serve" button to fill out a form and someone will connect you to our volunteer coordination team. Thank you for giving the gift of your time to bless His Kingdom. 

Apply to Serve




Small Groups

Group Leader

Do you love gathering people together? Can you lead a discussion? Then being a C2 Group Leader may be for you!

  • Membership at Calvary Church required 
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Group Host

Use your gift of hospitality to assist a C2 Group Leader by hosting a group of people into your home or another location for Bible discussion and fellowship

  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Group Communication Coordinator

Assist a C2 Group leader in communication to the group, recording attendance and reporting it to the C2 Pastor.

  • Must me organized and timely
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Grief Share Facilitator

Help create a place for those who have a compassionate heart for to serve those working through grief.

  • Frequency: varies (weekly when in session) 

All God’s Children and Helping Hands Class Helper

If you enjoy and feel called to ministering to special needs adults, we would love to have your involvement.

  • Must pass a background check
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

First Impressions


Create a warm, friendly environment as we welcome our congregation and visitors to worship. 

  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Special Event and Holiday Greeter

Create a warm, friendly environment as we welcome our congregation and visitors to worship at special events and holidays.

  • Frequency: varies (1 to 6 times annually)  


Assist during services and special events in seating guests and distribution of materials.

  • Frequency: Varies

Online Church Host

Greet and interact with those who sign on to our online services and respond to prayer and other requests.

  • Must be a member of Calvary Church
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Information Booth Host

Help answer questions and pass out information about our church and services.

  • Frequency: one or two times a month

Café 501’ Team Member

Prepare and serve drinks and snacks while welcoming and engaging guests to services and events.

  • Background check required
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Parking Lot Attendant

Assist with welcoming guests, parking cars, and shuttling guests (via golf cart) to building at services and events.

  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month) 

Young at Heart

Young at Heart Team Leader

Be a team member planning, organizing and implementing trips, events, and ministry for our Young at Heart Senior Adult Ministry

  • Must be at least 55 years old
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)

Teaching Teams

Starting Point Teacher

Use your God-given gift of teaching and your love of Calvary Church to help others find belonging through membership and involvement.

  • Must be a member of Calvary Church
  • Frequency: varies (3 to 6 times per year)

Adult Sunday School Teacher

Use your God-given teaching gift to share the Word of God with members of the Adult Bible Classes on Sunday morning.

  • Must be a member of Calvary Church
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)


Hospital Prayer Partner

Visit those that are in the hospitals and pray with them.

  • Tracking will be required
  • Frequency: once a week

Meal Provider

A team for those who enjoy cooking and being a blessing to those in our congregation who need a meal due to illness, hardship, death, or other life circumstances

Must have email
Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)


Hope Thrift Center

Hope Thrift Center Team Member

Help to maintain the daily operations of our Thrift Store, which serves the needs of our community by providing donated items at a low cost. 100% of the proceeds go to charities that help children across the world. You can volunteer in a variety of areas including: sorting, pickups and deliveries, truck driving, manual labor, merchandizing, pricing, seasonal, and operating the cash register.

  • Background check required
  • Frequency: At least once a week

Special Projects and Events

Events Team Member

Help organize, prepare, and host special events at Calvary Church.

  • Frequency: As needed

Special Projects Assistant to Pastors and Directors

Be on call as needed and available to help our pastoral staff with special projects (some one time, others routine), cleaning, organizing, run errands or do clerical work – tasks varied.

Frequency: varies


Youth Leader (6th-12th)


Disciple students by leading a weekly small group and serving at large group gatherings and events. Role is for ages 18 on up.

•        Background check and references required.

•        Frequency: Once per week (typically on Wednesdays)


Worship Arts



Use your God-given talent to lead others to worship and praise.

  • Audition required
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)

Apply to Serve

Praise Band Member

Worship Jesus through music with your talent to play electric, acoustic, or bass guitars, drums, or keyboards.

  • Audition required
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)


Share your God-given instrumental music talent to encourage others to worship.

  • Audition required
  • Frequency: quarterly

Technical Arts Team Member

Help create environments where others can experience the presence of God and grow in their faith through the elements of audio, video, lighting, and staging for all services and events.

  • Training is available
  • Frequency: varies (1 to 4 times per month)

Film Maker

Be part of creating video content for services through filming, producing, or editing.

  • Frequency: as needed

Set Designer and Builder

Help set the stage for weekly services and events through skills of construction, painting, and design.

  • Frequency: 3 to 4 times per year


Capture services and events for promotional purposes and to be saved in the church history archives. 

  • Frequency: 3 to 4 times per year

Calvary Kids

Guardian Angel Volunteer

Be a buddy to a child or student with disabilities. Help cultivate a safe and spiritual sound environment, allowing siblings and parents to participate in our 9:00AM Sunday service.

  • Background check and references required
  • Frequency: As needed

Calvary Kids Worship Volunteer

Help lead pre-school or elementary kids into a time of praise and worship. Our vision is to allow kids to experience an authentic worship environment that is geared for ages 1st – 5th grade

  • Must be able to memorize motions
  • Background check required
  • Frequency:  Once a month

Guest Welcome

Assist with greeting, hosting, and registering families at our weekend services.

  •    Background check required
  •    Frequency: One service a month

Elementary Small Group Leader

Help disciple the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ by shepherding elementary-aged kids during small group on Sunday Mornings.

  •  Background check required
  •   Frequency: Weekly

New Families Greeter

Welcome and assist visiting families as they check their kids into Calvary Church classes for the first time. Help them register into KidCheck and show them to their classrooms.

  • Background check required
  •  Frequency: Bi-Weekly

Calvary Kids Zoom Small Group Leader

Help disciple the next generation of fully devoted followers of Christ by shepherding elementary-aged kids during small group on Wednesday Night.

  • Background check required
  •  Frequency: Weekly

Calvary Kids Teaching Team

Work with the Children’s Leadership team to help kids learn and grow in their faith by teaching biblically-sound and engaging content. 

  • Background check and references required.
  • Frequency: Bi-Weekly

Play Zone Volunteer Attendant

Help to ensure the safety of the children and create a fun-filled environment where the kids can build long-lasting friendships with each other.

  • Background check required
  • Frequency: Bi-weekly

Tech Team Member

Manage video and sound during the elementary and pre-school large group times.

  • Background check required
  • Frequency:  Bi-weekly

Pre-School Ministry Assistant

Come alongside children during each activity to help them engage and reinforce the main Bible lesson and help with crafts, singing, and service activities. 

  • Background check required
  • Frequency:  Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Pre-School Teacher

Plan and lead a class with children age 2 through kindergarten. Each week children will engage in a kids worship time centered on a Bible theme with fun reinforcement activities that include games, crafts, Bible lessons, songs, and special celebration activities. Each member is assigned an activity and age group according to their special interests and gifts. 

  • Background check required
  • Frequency:  Weekly


Operation Christmas Child Team Member


Assist with accomplishing tasks pertaining preparing shoeboxes for needy children around the world.

  • Frequency: varies

Celebration Messenger

Track birthdays and anniversaries of our missionaries and their children to ensure an appropriate greeting from Calvary on their special days.

  • Frequency – as needed

Missionary Host/Hostess

 Set up and monitor our missionary hospitality room with snacks and drinks during annual missions event.

  • Frequency – one week per year

Host Home

Open your home to a missionary family as overnight guests and provide meals as needed during our annual missions event.

  • Frequency – One week per year

Missionary Care Partner

Monitor missionary activities through their monthly communication and relay needs to Missions Director while supporting missionaries through prayer.

  • Frequency – Weekly

Missionary Prayer Partner

Adopt one or two missionaries and commit to pray for them daily. Request their monthly communication or social media page to guide your prayer time.

  • Frequency – Daily

Meal Host

Assist in meal prep and serving during annual missions event.

  • Frequency – one week per year

Office Assistant for Missions

Organize our missionaries’ monthly communications and assist with missions as it pertains to administrative roles.

  • Frequency – monthly (more frequently as mission celebration week approaches)



Provide a warm welcome to ladies as they arrive and check in at monthly ReFresh gatherings.

  • Frequency: Monthly (September through May)

Decor/Design Team Member

Create table décor and table setting for meals and assist with stage décor to complement table themes.

  • Frequency: Monthly (September through May)

Meal Host

Assist with meal prep and serving at monthly ReFresh gatherings.

  • Frequency: Monthly (September through May)

Prayer Partner

Pray with ladies as needed at the close of monthly ReFresh gatherings.

  • Frequency: Monthly (September through May)

New Mom Meal Provider

Provide meals for new moms to ease their transition in bringing their new baby home.

  • Frequency: as needed

Looking for another ministry?

Interested in serving in a department or ministry that you don't see listed?

Click here to fill out a form, and we will be in contact with you!