Throughout this week, we will continue to build a culture of prayer at Calvary Church by offering corporate, small group, and individual prayer opportunities to intentionally mobilize our congregation to pray for specific needs and themes. Below, you will find the schedule for the week along with information about the special services and events.
We will take time this week to pray for the needs of our church body daily. If you have a prayer request, let us know.
You can submit your prayer request using the button below. We will have a prayer list available so others in the church can lift up your need and pray for you throughout the week.
We are seeking to be a unified community of believers, with hundreds of us mobilized and bound together in ceaseless prayer for 24 hours a day for seven days. We will be lifting up the needs of our church, our community, and our world to see God transform lives through His love, power and grace.
Choose one or more available time slots using the sign or in the Hazel Dell Campus Foyer.
Use the Prayer Guide (available March 16) to walk you through your prayer times.
For more details and instructions on each of the days, view our Prayer Guide (available March 16).
March 30
TO DO: We will start the week off with Worship Services at the Hazel Dell Campus at 9am & 10:45am.
TO PRAY: Throughout the day, meditate on Scripture, asking God to help you grow through prayer.
March 31
TO DO: This is our first of two days of fasting. For more info on fasting, see our Prayer Guide. At 5:30pm, we encourage you to join us for Prayer Service at the Hazel Dell Campus.
TO PRAY: Today's prayer focus is connecting with God. He wants a close relationship with you. Use prayer to draw near to Him.
April 1
TO DO: The goal of today is to pray with and for your family.
TO PRAY: Pray for the needs of your family, whether they live with you or are not near.
April 2
TO DO: This is our second day of fasting. For more info on fasting, see our Prayer Guide. At 6:45pm, we encourage you to join us for Prayer Service at the Hazel Dell Campus.
TO PRAY: As we gather together as a church at Prayer Service, we will pray for healing and for our upcoming Good Friday and Easter services.
April 3
TO DO: Join us for Virtual Prayer at 6am, 12pm or 6pm. Google Meet link will be available as we get closer to April 3.
TO PRAY: Pray over Calvary's values and that people would come to Christ in and through our Sunday worship services.
April 4
TO DO: Follow the prompts of the Holy Spirit and be looking for others you can pray for.
TO PRAY: Pray for the needs you come across and the needs on the church prayer list.
April 5
TO DO: Walk through your neighborhood and pray for your neighbors. You can also join one of our prayer walks throughout the community if you prefer. Locations will be available as we get closer to April 5.
TO PRAY: Pray that God would move in our community.
April 6
TO DO: Join us for a Celebration Service at 9am or 10:45am at the Hazel Dell Campus.
TO PRAY: Ask God how you can continue to grow closer to Him through prayer in the weeks and months ahead.